The best places for flower photo shoots in Almaty have been named

11 May 2021

A photo shoot surrounded by flowers is one of the most romantic leisure activities, and spring is the most suitable time to carry it out. In May, there are a large number of options where to go for this purpose: fields, gardens or greenhouses. In this article we will tell you where in Almaty to arrange a photo shoot surrounded by flowers.


According to photographer Alexander Petrov, there are many orchards near Almaty. Different varieties of apples grow here, as well as stone apples – cherries, cherries, plums and apricots.

This year, the flowering of fruit trees was negatively affected by frosts from April 21 to 24, and spring turned out to be late.

Orchards of wild apple trees are found in the foothills of the Trans-Ili Alatau at an altitude of 800-1000 and 1300-1500 meters above sea level. The higher the trees are located, the later they will bloom. Since there is no year for year, sometimes it is the beginning of May, and sometimes it is the middle.

According to the photographer, getting to the gardens is not difficult. For example, there are apple trees in the eastern part of Almaty: where suburban areas are concentrated.

“The closest gardens to Almaty are located near the Maloalmati Gorge: where the Medeo sports complex is located. You can get here by public transport. In the Maloalmati Gorge, you can find apple forests in the direction of the Kim-Asar Gorge,” says Alexander Petrov.

A lot of wild apple trees, according to the photographer, grow in the western part of Almaty, beyond the villages of Verkhnyaya Kamenka, Akzhar, Kyrgyzyldy – near the suburban areas in the Koklay-Sai tract.

Apple orchards can also be found near the Tabagan ski resort: around it and along the road leading to it. It is easier to arrange photo shoots near wild trees than to get permission from private gardens. And it really is. There is, for example, a garden in Talgarsky district in Guldalinsky rural district. Its area is 42 hectares. But his representative replied to our correspondent that photo shoots were arranged here earlier, at the initial stage of the project, now agronomists and beekeepers are not allowed to do this.


There is a flower farm in Talgar, where people often come for photo shoots. Peonies, tulips, dahlias, anemones, roses and ranunculi are grown here.

Realizing its visual appeal, business owners have created several photo zones here, and are also developing a glamping project.

You can take photos with any flowers: both planted in the open ground and in greenhouses. The territory of the flower farm is quite large, and guests do not interfere with each other. You can spend at least the whole day here.

The cost of the visit is three thousand tenge. And if the photographer brings several models with him, then he goes to the farm for free.

In the summer, three thousand will include not only a photo shoot, but also a vacation on the farm. The flower farmers have plans to launch a barbecue area. In mid-May, there will be a barbecue and a large Bombay oven in which pizza will be baked.

Nursery offers succulents, fruit seedlings, vegetable seedlings and plants for landscaping. They do not specialize in photo shoots, but they admit that they are ready to consider such proposals. So far, only a few people come here for photos.

According to the Kazakhstan Tourism Association, the agricultural plant in Kaskelen can be visited as part of an excursion. The program includes an excursion to the production of the agro-combine, a master class “Scarlet flower”, a holiday of “Cotton Candy”, the presentation of diplomas, awards and gifts, as well as a visit to the branded salon-shop of plants and flowers at the agro-combine. The tour lasts about eight hours.

As for the photographs, a photographer is present at the event.


In May, poppies begin to bloom with might and main. Literally an hour’s drive from Almaty, you can find fields with these red flowers. One of them can be found after driving for half an hour along the Kuldzhinskaya highway. Another thing is to leave the city along the Kapchagai highway to the north, before reaching the village of Bayserke.

If you noticed a poppy field last year and wanted to return to it, the flowers may surprise you somewhat. The fact is that poppies change their location slightly every year, “migrating” from place to place. Where they settled this spring, it is better to check with someone from the locals.

Botanical Garden

By the way, the poppy field will appear this year in the southern stalls of the Botanical Garden.

Also this year, the Botanical Garden will delight its visitors with cherry blossoms. Last year, five different varieties of this tree were planted – Shirafugen, Shirotae, Kwanzan, Pink perfection and Talhaku. Sakura has successfully wintered under the supervision of arborists, and now residents and guests of Almaty can enjoy its flowering without leaving the city.

In mid-April, the sakura of the Shirafugen variety bloomed, and in May, Kawanzan should bloom. You can see them as part of the Sakura in Bloom tour. The botanist guide will acquaint those who wish with the tradition of the cherry blossom festival, tell about the distinctive features of each variety and various legends associated with sakura.

What to choose – a native apple tree, exotic sakura or bright poppies – is up to you. In any case, after spending time in nature, you will definitely get a surge of strength and emotions.

And what places for a photo surrounded by flowers do you know?

The information is taken from the website

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